Review of Instant Pot 6 Quart Pressure Cooker
(Disclosure: This post contains an Amazon affiliate link that will help you buy the Instant Pot if you think it would work for you. I may earn a commission from your purchase, but it doesn't cost you anymore if you use this link. I thank you for supporting my blog if you do.) #ad

What Is The Best Instant Pot?
This is my review of Instant Pot 6 Quart Pressure Cooker. This Tool of the Trade has become my new best friend, next to my George Foreman Indoor Outdoor Grill. Between these two kitchen gadgets, I rarely turn my oven on, and in the summer, that is a good thing.
What is an Instant Pot?
It is basically a pressure cooker. The purpose of the Instant Pot is to cook food quicker (70% faster) and some say better, than with traditional cooking methods. It is not a new invention; pressure cookers have been around for centuries, but this is definitely the bigger badder pressure cooker of this decade.
The 6 quart pressure cooker will cook food that can feed approximately 4-6 people. If you have a larger crowd, it also comes in an 8 quart version. The Instant Pot, is really a combo gadget because it basically replaces 9 current kitchen appliances or gadgets.
These are the things that you can replace with an Instant Pot:
- slow cooker or crock pot
- rice cooker
- yogurt maker
- egg cooker
- saute pan
- steamer/sterilizer/warmer
- pressure cooker
- cake baking (which I guess is the oven)
Many recipes or foods that you will cook in the Instant Pot, have set times so they say that you can't mess it up. (I don't know about that claim.)
Healthy not only includes all of the foods that you can cook in a healthy manner, but also addresses the non toxic materials that are used in the manufacture of this device.
All components that touch your food are food grade 304 (18/8) stainless steel, including the lid, the inner pot, and the steam rack. I like that so much because I am still mad about all of the toxins released into our food with BPA products and teflon.
So in addition to non toxic materials, the food you cook is not greasy and fried, and because of the pressure cooking process, the food is really much tastier and more tender.
What Is An Instant Pot Used For?
You can find a list of all of the recipes that I have used the Instant Pot for here. A list of recipes without more explanation about the features of the Instant Pot, is not much help, in my opinion. A little about my favorites....
Like any gadget, kitchen or otherwise, that has a lot of bells and whistles, it is possible that you find a few favorites and not use all of the features. Personally, I don't do much steaming, sterilizing or warming, so I don't really need those features. I do love cooking hard boiled eggs in the Instant Pot, because it is true, they are perfect every time. The rice cooker is the same--perfect fluffy rice very time. (Although it is possible to mess up the rice if you don't have the right water/rice ratio).
As far as cooking pasta, some don't recommend it because the steam can get very aggressive and gooey, and make a mess. I usually use lentil pasta, and find that it works better than gluten wheat pasta. You can experiment with different types of pasta for yourself, but it is definitely a feature you want to figure out. Not only is it so fast, the pasta is much more delicious than if you boil it in water.
Instant Pot Breakfast
I have made not only hard boiled eggs, but a Spinach Mushroom Quiche Breakfast Bowl in the Instant Pot. This is a vegetarian dish.
I was very surprised to find out that yes, cakes and desserts come out well in the Instant Pot. I made this Apple Cobbler and Maple Coconut Risotto Pudding in my pot.
But, I would say, my favorite feature of the Instant Pot, is the yogurt maker. I use it to make homemade vegan yogurt and kefir, with only 2 milk and yogurt or kefir starter. I set it for 15 hours, and in the morning, done. It is so delicious and fresh tasting.
I think that the reason I like this setting the best is because I never had any other gadget to make yogurt or kefir, and had to rely on commercially produced products. They weren't bad, but this is better and less expensive.
I would say that probably the most common use of the Instant Pot, especially in the winter is to make soups, stews and chili. I have made many recipes, and they were all so easy, quick and delicious. The saute feature lets you saute onions and garlic before adding liquid, so you don't lose flavor by using the Instant Pot.
So, In Conclusion
As you can see, this is not a sponsored post where someone pays me to say I like their product. I really, really love this Instant Pot, and all of the things that it can do. It has made cooking so much faster, easier and tastier. Try it out for yourself.
Whether you need the Instant Pot 6 quart, or the Instant Pot 8 quart, you crowd will love you and all of the extra time that you will have to spend with them!
Disclosure: This post contains an Amazon affiliate link that will help you buy the Instant Pot if you think it would work for you. I may earn a commission from your purchase, but it doesn't cost you anymore if you use this link. I thank you for supporting my blog if you do.) #ad